An individual recently stole the identity of one of our employees using a spoofed email mimicking our employee's email. The individual then sent emails to our customers asking for payment on invoices using a variety of bank accounts and routing numbers. The individual also stole the identity of another employee by using a similar email domain and phone number. The individual produced falsified documents and signatures in order to appear legitimate.

However, it remains your responsibility to ensure emails you receive regarding ACH and banking information changes – along with any other changes – are official MAXAIR System’s correspondence and do not emanate from a fraudulent 3rd party impersonator. MAXAIR Systems will never change ACH or other banking information without official correspondence. MAXAIR Systems, at its own election, may update its website with similar official notices in the future to assist you in verifying official correspondence. Please contact Bio-Medical Devices International Inc. (DBA “MAXAIR Systems”) at 1-800-443-3842 – or via email at [email protected] – to verify changes to ACH, banking information, or any other MAXAIR System’s changes. 

Finally, we have attached a current bank account information sheet so you can be confident in remitting payments to us. 

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding, and for helping us in our efforts to fight cybercrime.

Maxair PPE equipment

For over 20 years, MAXAIR Systems has been providing creative solutions to meet the needs wherever personal respiratory and contact concerns demand the highest quality of safety and comfort to the user.